Connect Maptuner to smartphone
Connect with MyMaptuner
Now open the MyMaptuner App on your phone. Select ‘Normal mode’.
Now sign in with your Maptuner account. If you do not have a Maptuner account but you do have a license code, you can create a new account by clicking the ‘New user’ button.
This is the Home Screen.
Press the arrow in the bottom of the Home screen.
This will expand the Control Center. From here you can connect to you Maptuner device, see vehicle status and other information at a glance.
Before you can connect your Maptuner device to the MyMaptuner App, press and hold the button (approx. 2-3 sec) on the Maptuner until the top left LED starts flashing blue rapidly.
The Maptuner is now in pairing mode for 30 seconds.
Press the connect button in the Control Center and select your Maptuner from the list.
Can’t find you Maptuner in the list? Make sure the Maptuner is in pairing mode and try again. Otherwise contact your dealer for help and advice.
Important: Do not use your phone’s Bluetooth-manager to connect to your Maptuner. Only use the MyMaptuner App. If you already connected thru your phone’s Bluetooth-manager, please select ”forget device” and try again with the MyMaptuner App.
Your Maptuner should now be connected to the MyMaptuner App. This is illustrated by a green bar in the Control Center on top of the Maptuner area. The Maptuner device itself also has a slow flashing blue LED indicating that it’s connected wirelessly.